Recent Posts
- Art Nouveau Signed Limoges Porcelain Footed Punch Bowl 4 Cups Set Grape Gold Rim
- Set of 6 Bawo & Dotter Limoges Art Nouveau Floral 7 3/4 Inch Plates C. 1920 -1932
- Green Prehnite Gemstone Ring Stackable Ring 925 Sterling Silver Stack Ring Gift
- Antique Art Nouveau Yellow Gold Brooch Pins Set of 3
- Color Study 16
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- kuretaki
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- l'objet
- l-shape
- l53858ec
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- lamp
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- lf58259ec
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- makes
- making
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- mantel
- mappin
- martele
- marti
- marvel
- mary
- maryland
- masons
- masriera
- massive
- mastering
- masthay
- matched
- matching
- matthew's
- mauser
- meadow
- meadowcraft
- mercedes
- mermaid
- merton
- metal
- metaverse
- mettlach
- michael
- midnight
- mikasa
- mille
- miniature
- mint
- minton
- mintons
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- miss
- mistletoe
- modern
- monumental
- more
- morgantown
- morning
- mosell
- moselle
- moser
- most
- mourning
- mucha
- muirfield
- murano
- museum
- museum-like
- mustard
- natacha
- neiman
- nerdy
- neue
- never
- nice
- niort
- nippon
- noritake
- northumbria
- northwood
- norwegian
- nouveau
- nouveau'american
- nouveau-jugendstil
- nouveau14k
- nouveausterling
- nstg
- nuremburg
- nwot
- olsen
- oneida
- opala
- orange
- ordinary
- original
- ornate
- oroscopo
- ortak
- osborne
- otto
- outsider
- outstanding
- oval
- pack
- paint
- painting
- pair
- paragon
- paris
- parisian
- pastel
- patreon
- patron
- pattern
- paye
- peacock
- penguin
- perfect
- period
- personal
- peter
- pewter
- pfaltzgraff
- piano
- pickard
- pics
- pididdly
- piece
- pieces
- pigma
- pine
- pink
- place
- plan
- poetical
- pond
- poppies
- poppy
- porcelain
- postcards
- pottery
- pouyat
- pre-1923
- pretty
- procreate
- professional
- puiforcat
- quality
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- quezal
- quoizel
- raccoon
- radiant
- rago
- raphael
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- ravinet
- reclaimed
- rectangular
- redlich
- reed
- refurbished
- repouse
- repousse
- restoration
- reuven
- review
- richard
- rick
- riga
- roasting
- robert
- rogers
- roman
- roro
- rörstrand
- rose
- rosenthal
- roses
- roseville
- royal
- rueven
- runway
- russian
- sagittarius
- saint
- salt
- salterini
- salviati
- sapphire
- sargent
- sarreguemines
- sascha
- sasquatch
- saturday
- schnauffer
- schofield
- schumann
- sconces
- scorpio
- scrap
- season
- seasons
- seltenes
- sensuous
- serves
- service
- set-
- set12
- set2
- set8
- sets
- setting
- seven
- shafer
- shelley
- sheridan
- shocking
- showcase
- side
- signed
- silik
- silver
- silverplate
- simon
- simple
- simpson
- sketchbook
- small
- smooth
- sneak
- snuck
- solid
- spanish
- spectacular
- speed
- spoon
- spring
- starter
- steampunk
- step
- sterling
- sterlng
- steuben
- stone
- story
- stovax
- strasbourg
- strauenmarke
- studio
- stunning
- stylish
- superb
- swann
- swatch
- swatching
- sweden
- sweet
- table
- taekook
- take
- talavera
- tall
- tangle
- tarot
- taurus
- taylor
- telescope
- terry
- tested
- theo
- theresienthal
- thiers
- third
- thirteen
- three
- thrift
- tiffany
- tiger
- tile
- tiles
- timestamps
- tips
- tiyo
- tolle
- tomb
- tone
- tosca
- toulouse
- transform
- trash
- tresseman
- trifari
- trumpet
- trying
- tude
- tulip
- turn
- tutoriel
- twelve
- twin
- type
- ultra
- unboxing
- unbrand
- understanding
- unger
- unique
- united
- unsual
- unusual
- unveiling
- using
- vanity
- vaseline
- vectric
- vendome
- venetian
- vente
- versailles
- very
- vianne
- victoria
- victoria's
- victorian
- vienna
- villeroy
- villery
- vincent
- vintage
- vintagelenoxtiffany
- violet
- virgo
- visual
- vlog
- wall
- wallace
- watercolour
- waterford
- waterlily
- watson
- webster
- wedgwood
- weller
- westmoreland
- where
- whimsicial
- white
- whiting
- wilcox
- wild
- wilkens
- william
- wired
- woman
- wonderful
- woodside
- woodworking
- works
- world
- worst
- yall
- yamazaki
- year
- years
- yellow
- yolk
- zodiac
Monthly Archives: July 2024
Rare Antique Art Nouveau Sterling Silver Smoking Set Kerr Mint
Offering a rare Art Nouveau sterling silver smoking set by William Kerr. Created late 19th century. This marvelous 6 piece smoking set features a large tray, four individual ash trays and lighter. Created when smoking was chic, this set was used to serve house guests cigars and cigarettes in grand style. The design is acid […]
Yellow Gold Art Nouveau Set of 3 Shirt Studs 14k Enamel Flowers Antique
Coins, Bars, Notes & Bullion. Loose Diamonds & Gemstones. Sign up for our store newsletter and be the first to hear about new items and special promotions! Yellow Gold Art Nouveau Set of 3 Shirt Studs – 14k Enamel Flowers Antique. Era: Art Nouveau Date: 1900s – 1910s Metal Content: 14k Yellow Gold Material Information […]
Cased Set 6 Art Nouveau Solid Silver Buttons, Chester 1902, James Deakin
This is a nice quality set of 6 buttons in an art nouveau style, complete with the original fitted case. They are made by the quality maker James Deakin & Sons and retailed by Jyson and Sons of Windsor, as shown. They are quite small and each piece measures 1 cms in diameter. Total weight […]
Art Nouveau Sterling Silver Cut Crystal Glass Vintage Perfume Bottle Pair Set
Beautiful pair of Art Nouveau / Deco Perfume Bottles. First is a Lead Crystal Bottle featuring scalloped walls and frosted blue poppy flower stopper(6″hx2.5″w). Second, a cut glass bottle from Foster and Bailey, with a Sterling Silver stopper(6″hx4″w). Both in good condition with some surface wear and tarnish- see pictures. Visit our store to see […]
Antique Art Nouveau Wmf Silverplate Cream & Sugar Breakfast Set German Beautiful
Antique Bohemian Josephinenhutte Raised Gold Art Nouveau Cordials Set Of 11
This is a beautiful set of 11 antique Bohemian Josephinenhutte raised gold Art Nouveau cordials. The intricate design and raised gold detailing on each glass make them a stunning addition to any collection. These cordials, delicate hand blown glass (complete with trapped air bubble stems), are perfect for entertaining guests or for adding a touch […]
Peacock Earrings Art Nouveau Style 925 Sterling Silver English Hallmarks Set
Our sterling silver Art Nouveau Lalique style onyx peacock earrings have an exceptionally detailed unique design, a great complement to any outfit. Crafted from hallmarked sterling silver, these earrings feature peacocks set with emerald and marcasite stones, plus have a pearl drop. These earrings are made of high quality silver and have been hand finished […]
1909 Haviland Limoges HP Green Art Nouveau Deco Bouillon Cup & Saucer Set of 10
1909 Haviland Limoges HP Green Art Nouveau Deco Bouillon Cup & Saucer Set of 10. 1909 Haviland France Limoges Art Nouveau Bouillon Cup & Saucer Set, Ten Cups & Saucer Set in Total, Hand Painted with a Gorgeous Art Nouveau Pattern and Heavy Gold Trim on the Handles, Edges and Gold is also incorporated into […]
Art Nouveau 1902-1903 B’ham Hallmarked Sterling Silver Vanity Brush Set 264.5g
This superb antique Edwardian vanity brush set consist of 3 brushes, all are backed in sterling silver with the most exquisite cherub & art nouveau style decoration. Each brush is fully hallmarked, the large brush is hallmarked for sterling silver, the city of Birmingham, the date letter for 1903 and the makers mark for the […]