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- Art Nouveau Signed Limoges Porcelain Footed Punch Bowl 4 Cups Set Grape Gold Rim
- Set of 6 Bawo & Dotter Limoges Art Nouveau Floral 7 3/4 Inch Plates C. 1920 -1932
- Green Prehnite Gemstone Ring Stackable Ring 925 Sterling Silver Stack Ring Gift
- Antique Art Nouveau Yellow Gold Brooch Pins Set of 3
- Color Study 16
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Category Archives: four
Set of Four Edwardian Art Nouveau S/Plated Toddy Glass Holders by WMF Circa 1906
All items listed are genuine in my expert opinion, and the condition of the item is as listed. If there is anything that you are particularly collection, or you have a wants list, please feel free to ask. If it is not immediately to hand (3 storerooms), I will make a note and come back […]
Set of Four Maw & Co Framed Art Nouveau Majolica Tiles FOUR SEASONS
Very beautiful set of four vintage Maws & Co framed tiles The Four Seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter tiles – in stunning Art Nouveau style, using the ancient craft of Majolica painting. An impressive set, the tiles are a good size – each measuring approx 20cm x 20cm. Set in distressed type gilt coloured […]
Set Of Four Goebel Alphonse Mucha Four Seasons Round Tealight Candle Holders
SET OF FOUR GOEBEL ALPHONSE MUCHA FOUR SEASONS ROUND TEALIGHT CANDLE HOLDERS. This product data sheet is originally written in English. This wonderful high quality handmade glass tealight candle holder set is from Goebel’s tremendous Art Glass range, featuring designs from some of the great artists including a selection of stunning works by one of […]
Set Of Four Victorian Chairs Mahogany Floral Upholstery For Restoration Repairs
These chairs are part of a suite, I have two saloon armchairs listed under my other items with the same upholstery, one with a fully upholstered back the other with part wood part upholstery. The chairs have been partially restored, the frames have been secured, the upholstery cleaned, the wood work cleaned waxed and polished, […]
Tagged chairs, floral, four, mahogany, repairs, restoration, upholstery, victorian
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Set of Four Art Nouveau Cast Iron Folding Chairs with Original Seats. Circa 1890
A set of four folding chairs, with scrolling decoration in the Art Nouveau mode, each with cast iron frames and wood seats. Great antique condition, with age appropriate wear and patina, as well as some significant rusting. Seats are 17.5 high from the front. 32 from the back. The item “Set of Four Art Nouveau […]
Set of FOUR Sterling Silver POPPY Figural Floral Spoons Ladle Paye Baker Nouveau
Set of FOUR figural Art Nouveau floral pieces in the Poppy pattern, solid sterling silver, not frequently seen in sets. The three with floral spoon bowls are by Paye & Baker and the teaspoon is by Watson but I thought it looked nice in the set. I have a set of Paye & Baker Daisy […]
Set Of Four Original Circa 1880 Victorian Thonet Fiscel Dining Chairs Rattan
There are around 50-100 high definition super-sized pictures at the bottom of this page. These chairs are a style and design classic, Thonet have been going for decades and are still making pieces today, their rattan bentwood chairs changed the way we sat for dinner! We have cleaned waxed and polished them from top to […]
Set of FOUR Sterling Silver POPPY Figural Floral Spoons Ladle Paye Baker Nouveau
Set of FOUR figural Art Nouveau floral pieces in the Poppy pattern, solid sterling silver, not frequently seen in sets. The three with floral spoon bowls are by Paye & Baker and the teaspoon is by Watson but I thought it looked nice in the set. I have a set of Paye & Baker Daisy […]
Set of Four Art Nouveau Bentwood Chairs by Thonet Mundus
Stunning vintage Art Nouveau bentwood chairs by Thonet Mundus, with floral motifs, circa 1920. From the first owner. Undamaged condition, with wear appropriate for the age of chairs. Price is for the set of four. H 88 cm x W 42 cm x D 44 cm, SH: 46cm. Set of Four Art Nouveau Bentwood Chairs […]
Set Of Four Modular Stacking Mahogany Library Bookcases Glass Doors Minty Globe
There are around 50-100 high definition super-sized pictures at the bottom of this page. A good looking well made and versatile set, you can have them anyway your imagination can think of, they came in as two very tall stacking bookcases but as you can see they are meant to be four long pieces. The […]