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- Art Nouveau Signed Limoges Porcelain Footed Punch Bowl 4 Cups Set Grape Gold Rim
- Set of 6 Bawo & Dotter Limoges Art Nouveau Floral 7 3/4 Inch Plates C. 1920 -1932
- Green Prehnite Gemstone Ring Stackable Ring 925 Sterling Silver Stack Ring Gift
- Antique Art Nouveau Yellow Gold Brooch Pins Set of 3
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Category Archives: matching
Set Matching Reverse Painting Vogue Cover Art Nouveau Deco Framed Glass Mirrors
Pair Matching Reverse Painting Vintage Vogue Art Nouveau Deco Framed Glass Mirrors. Reverse painting on glass. Different versions of the same cover that can be arranged as mirror image (of mirrors). Cover appears to date from March 15, 1919. Approximately 9″ x 13″. Some minor imperfections consistent with age but overall in excellent condition. There […]
Set Of 4 Matching 1890s Branford Bronze Art Nouveau Eastlake Door Push Plates
Incredible set of bronze push plates. They measure 9 inches long by 2 3/4 inches wide heavy relief incredibly ornate design believe they are bronze.
Set Matching Art Nouveau Victorian Brass Door Knob Push Plate Pull Ornate Doorkn
A large lot of brass door hardware. Very ornate, knobs match the plates. There are two plates with the lock set hole and two with the lock knob, there is only one door knob set. The plates are marked, not sure of the maker. Knobs are marked, one is slightly larger than the other, the […]
#8240 Set of Six Matching Art Nouveau Arm Chairs
Fantastic set of six matching Art Nouveau dining arm chairs. The chairs have been restored and are upholstered in a natural color leather. Dimensions: 37″H x 23″W x 22D. This item is in the category “Antiques\Furniture\Chairs”. The seller is “antiquesfromantiquariantraders” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States. […]
#5658 Set of 8 Matching Rosewood Art Nouveau Chairs
Fabulous set of eight matching rosewood Art Nouveau chairs. Set includes two arm chairs and six side chairs. This item is in the category “Antiques\Furniture\Chairs”. The seller is “antiquesfromantiquariantraders” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States. Style: Art Nouveau Material: Rosewood Original/Reproduction: Original Type: Chairs Time Period […]
Matching set 5 Vianne France Art Nouveau Etched Satin Glass Lamp Shades 2 1/8
Hard to find a matched set of these shades. Perfect for 5 light fixtures. This company went out of business. Beautiful quality and vintage appearance. The fitting is 2 1/8″ and the shades are 5″ across and 4 3/4 tall. I enter only size and weight. Increased weight and size will make it fall somewhere […]
SET OF 5 Matching 1920s LIGHT FIXTURES Art Nouveau DECO 3 chandeliers 2 sconces
Set of 5 matching art Deco Art Nouveau lighting fixtures: 3 chandeliers and 2 sconces. Rare chance to own matching original light fixtures. Yes they need rewiring but they are gorgeous! As you can see there are no broken pieces- they are nice and solid. The original color remains on 4 of the pieces but […]
Set of 8 Matching French Louis XV Chairs, France 1800-1899 #5658
5658 Fabulous Set of 8 Matching Rosewood Art Nouveau Chairs. Fabulous set of eight matching rosewood Art Nouveau chairs. Set includes two arm chairs and six side chairs. The item “Set of 8 Matching French Louis XV Chairs, France 1800-1899 #5658″ is in sale since Wednesday, December 9, 2009. This item is in the category […]