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- Art Nouveau Signed Limoges Porcelain Footed Punch Bowl 4 Cups Set Grape Gold Rim
- Set of 6 Bawo & Dotter Limoges Art Nouveau Floral 7 3/4 Inch Plates C. 1920 -1932
- Green Prehnite Gemstone Ring Stackable Ring 925 Sterling Silver Stack Ring Gift
- Antique Art Nouveau Yellow Gold Brooch Pins Set of 3
- Color Study 16
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Category Archives: stunning
Stunning Art Nouveau Durgin 6 Sterling Silver Teaspoons Belle Mono 5 3/4 in
Presented is a stunning set of 6 Art Nouveau sterling silver teaspoons by Durgin. The set has a similar pattern to Orange Blossom, Jonquil or New Art by Durgin, but we were unable to identify the exact pattern name. Many of the pattern’s similar to this set can be rare finds. The handles display in […]
Stunning Antique Art Nouveau Sterling Silver Handblown Glass Decanter Set
I picked up this set back in 1971 while in Santa Fe, New Mexico. A gift for my wife, I’d imagined we’d share many a drink together with this decanter holding our chosen spirit. Well, turns out my wife liked the piece a little – too – much. The first time I went to pour […]
Stunning French Art Nouveau Heavy Crystal Gilt Decanter And 16 Glass Drinks Set
Stunning French Art Nouveau Heavy Crystal Gilt Decanter And 16 Glass Drinks Set. It measures 29 cm high by 10 cm in diameter.
Stunning Antique Art Nouveau European Ornate 800 Silver Writing Set
Stunning Antique Art Nouveau European Ornate 800 Silver Writing Set. This stunning writing set was hand made around the 1900s probably in France and features a beautiful ornate quill with copper nib, a tiny crystal & Silver inkwell and a Silver handled Stainless Steel ink scraper. The inkwell measures 1″ x 1″ x 1 2/8. […]
Stunning and perfect Haviland Limoges art nouveau, shabby chic china set for 4
Quite possibly the most beautiful setting I’ve seen, and I’m not sure they were ever used. I can’t find a chip or crack anywhere, and the gold gilding, the art nouveau lines, the shabby chic colors – what’s not to love? This set comes with 4 dinner plates that measure 8.75″, 4 saucers that measure […]
Stunning and perfect Haviland Limoges art nouveau, shabby chic china set for 4
Quite possibly the most beautiful setting I’ve seen, and I’m not sure they were ever used. I can’t find a chip or crack anywhere, and the gold gilding, the art nouveau lines, the shabby chic colors – what’s not to love? This set comes with 4 dinner plates that measure 8.75″, 4 saucers that measure […]
Stunning antique art nouveau pewter tea coffee set & tray SILBERZINN E. HUECK
On offer here is this original antique five piece nouveau. Pewter tea and coffee set by. Hueck or Silberzinn 1910. Made in Germany in 1910 this lovely original art nouveau pewter tea and coffee set is in original and very good condition. It consists of five pieces with the tray, a coffee pot, a teapot, […]
Stunning Antique Triple Strand Blue BEZEL Set Art Nouveau Necklace new catch
This is a fabulous find. 26 inches without catch as the catch has been replaced. This item is in the category “Jewelry & Watches\Vintage & Antique Jewelry\Jewelry Sets”. The seller is “allcolls” and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech […]
Stunning French Art Nouveau Heavy Crystal Gilt Decanter And 16 Glass Drinks Set
Stunning French Art Nouveau Heavy Crystal Gilt Decanter And 16 Glass Drinks Set. It measures 29 cm high by 10 cm in diameter. This item is in the category “Pottery & Glass\Drinkware & Barware\Decanters”. The seller is “dinadi60″ and is located in this country: AU. This item can be shipped worldwide. Type: Decanter Material: Crystal
Stunning French Art Nouveau Heavy Crystal Gilt Decanter And 16 Glass Drinks Set
Stunning French Art Nouveau Heavy Crystal Gilt Decanter And 16 Glass Drinks Set. It measures 29 cm high by 10 cm in diameter. This item is in the category “Pottery & Glass\Drinkware & Barware\Decanters”. The seller is “dinadi60″ and is located in this country: AU. This item can be shipped worldwide. Type: Decanter Material: Crystal